IndochinaGo story

Cancellation & Refund Policies

Cancellations Policies

Cancellations timeline will be charged as follows:

60 days prior to the arrival date: Non Refundable deposit charge and the cancellation fees applied by the concerned services suppliers such as flight company, Boat Company, train, hotels… in accordance with their cancellations policies if any.

59 – 31 days prior to arrival date: Cancellations fee of 30% per group/booking and plus the cancellation fees applied by the concerned services suppliers such as flight company, boat company, train, hotels… in accordance with their cancellations policies if any.

30 days – 15 days prior to arrival date: Cancellations fee of 50% per group/booking plus the cancellation fees applied by the concerned services suppliers such as Flight Company, Boat Company, train, hotels… in accordance with their cancellations policies if any.

14 – 7 days before arrival: Cancellations fee 70% charge plus the cancellation fees applied by the concerned services suppliers such as flight company, Boat Company, train, hotels… in accordance with their cancellations policies if any.

Less than 7 days before arrival Or No show: 100 % charge per group/booking.

Nonrefundable deposit and banking service fee will be forfeited in all cancellation cases.

Refund of Unused Services

No refund will be given for any unused service after the trip has commenced.